Saturday, September 29, 2012

Baby Samuel

This little prince was so patient with me.  He was not happy when his mom arrived at our location because he was tired of being in his car seat.  lol.  After his belly was full off we went outside to capture his amazing personality.  He was for sure a determined little fellow.  He wanted on his belly and kept trying to push himself up.  I told his mom he would for sure be keeping her busy since he is only 6 weeks old.  He was such a good natured baby.  I enjoyed just sitting and watching him during the times his momma was holding him. So adorable!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wild Mustangs

Alexis has a passion for horses. That is an understatment. And with much dedication she was picked to be involved in the "Wild Mustang" program in which she trains a wild mustang from a fawn stage until adult. She spends almost every afternoon at the stable she keeps Lacey at training, washing, brushing, and bonding with her.
 I asked Alexis if i could take pictures of her and Lacey. Lacey was in full personality mode that day too. I never knew horses had such personalities like people.   
It was an eventful session. Thanks Alexis for letting me take your pictures!!!!

I am looking forward to taking Lacey's pictures again next year so we all can see how much she has grown. 


I was recently asked to take pictures for a local youth girls soccer team.  Aren't they adorable!!! I thought they were. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oceanside Beach, Oregon

We recently took a drive to the coast and spent the day exploring Oceanside Beach.  The kids were insisting it was the beach they filmed "Goonies".  They were walking around picking out the house the boys lived in, walking through a cave and had the whole end of the movie planned out at the beach.  lol. It was a fun afternoon for us, but what trip to the beach isn't?