Saturday, October 15, 2011

Clicking Walk 2011-Portland Pic's

I know you all have been waiting for awhile to see these.  Sorry about that.  Life kinda got away from me for awhile.  Busy being a momma.  lol.  Hope you enjoy. 

Those are just a few of my favorites.  I told you our model was gorgeous.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I was lucky enough to stumble across a web site called,"Clickin Moms", and found out about a walk they were having in my area.  I instantly wanted to go.  I love walking around towns snapping away and to be able to walk with fellow moms at the same time=FUN!  
I was a little nervous at first.  I didn't know anyone, and I also didn't know how to get around Downtown Portland.  Thank goodness I have a GPS.  I found the meeting area easy but parking had a science to it.  I finally after driving around the same block 5 times stopped and asked some nice ladies with cameras in their hands where on earth do I park.  One suggested parallel parking across the road, I in my head started laughing.  The thought of me  parallel parking was hilarious. That was the one thing I did not have on my driving test.  Finally I found a parking garage!  I don't mind paying 4 bucks as long as my car doesn't get towed and I can well PARK.  
All the ladies were super nice.  Some had tons of experience and some were like me, still learning.  We walked the streets stopping where ever we saw a great spot.  Our teen model was a pro and gorgeous to say the least.  Two hours later we ended our time with a group picture, they headed to grab a bite to eat and I headed to the mountains to spend my anniversary with my hubby. 
We all said we wanted to plan another outing together.  I sure hope we do.  It was amazing. So glad I stepped out of my comfort zone. 
If you are interested in learning more about Clicking Moms, here is the link;

More on our gorgeous model later.........